KBIA Radio

As an editor and advanced reporter for KBIA, I learned how produce stories for both day turn and feature audio pieces. I gained experience reporting in the field, crafting focused-scripts and assembling audio in Adobe Audition. My editing shifts taught me how to write tightly for air and to create structure and narrative in scripts. 

Click in the image captions below to view stories I produced and reported for KBIA Radio:


 Columbia Missourian

The Columbia Missourian infographics desk publishes a range of data visuals including heat maps, bar and column graphs, pie charts and illustrations. I used Adobe Illustrator, Tableau and Datawrapper to create both print and interactive graphics. During my time as an infographics reporter, I successfully pitched both quick turnover and long-form stories.












Missouri Business Alert

The MBA is a digital-only business magazine geared toward the entire state of Missouri with an emphasis on industries, entrepreneurs, government and economy. As an infographics reporter, I improved my skills in data reporting and business journalism at the Missouri Business Alert. 








Ava Neels

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