Vox Magazine

As a digital editor for Vox magazine, I copy edited and produced stories for digital publication. I revised stories for structural or focus issues, and I ensured the copy was free of grammar errors and matched AP style. I also wrote headlines, subheads, photo captions, and calendar events for publication. During the digital publication process, I formatted for SEO and incorporated hyperlinks into the article. I embedded social posts, formatted photos and created design presentations tools like pull quotes and info-boxes. My work at Vox Magazine strengthened my editing skills and taught me how to successfully complete the steps of digital production. 

Click the link in the image captions below to read some of the stories I edited for Vox Magazine:


KBIA Radio

As a shift editor for KBIA, I produced, edited and formatted stories for air. I worked with Missourian reporters  to publish audio stories for KBIA’s daily newscasts and longer feature pieces. I also reported, scripted, and voiced stories for the daily newscasts. I learned how to write cut copy and wrap versions of scripts, as well as how to write tightly for audio production. In addition to daily newscasts, I published Missourian partnered news stories for KBIA’s website. 

Click in the image captions below to read some of the stories I edited for KBIA:



Ava Neels

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